Do you feel ‘stuck’? Like there is a piece of the ‘puzzle’ missing?
Perhaps it’s time to examine your attitude? 🙂 I love what Joel Osteen says in his book, Every Day A Friday: “when you complain, you remain”.
I believe this to be true. I know that during times in my own life, when I have chosen to adopt the attitude of complaining it has certainly halted my blessings. I am more careful these days to keep my attitude ‘in check’ and watch my words or any thoughts that may be of a critical or complaining nature.
When we complain, we set ourselves up for failure. We immediately place a burden upon our own success in any endeavor – as we are in that moment choosing to be a victim. By continuing to ‘complain’ – our subconscious mind takes the statement ‘to heart’, we then begin to harbor feelings of resentment and/or fear, and as we know – fear can paralyze us.
So if you are feeling ‘stuck’ today, or perhaps as though you may be in a ‘rut’, I am suggesting that you may want to examine your thoughts and words to see if perhaps you may be sub-consciously sabotaging your own success?
You are not a victim unless you choose to be one;
I believe You Are A Winner & You Were Born To Thrive!
Many Blessings,
Robin R. Robbins
- © Robin R. Robbins 2012