Thank Him Too

It wasn’t always easy to go the extra mile

To hold your hand or hug you

Or wear for you a smile


Through nights of tears, to stay awake, sometimes seemed so hard

To sort through troubles inch by inch

Seemed more like yards and yards


But Jesus said, “Hang in there Robin, I need you to obey,

Give this one my love

For she needs you much today.


I will be there too, and together we will teach

Then I have others for you to love

And many goals for you to reach.”


“Ok Lord”, I said through tears my own, “but I am lonely too”

“Do for these”, he replied with a hug

“Then I shall do for you.”


So I stood up tall and took his hand, I said, “ok Lord – let’s go”

We marched together day by day

Little did you know


As I had all the answers to your problems and they faded away fast

It was really He who guided me

And threw your troubles past


For I know not what the future holds in store for me you see

My problems seem so great sometimes

I think, “where can He be?”


But I know because I love you in my heart and always will

That He will always guide me inch by inch

Or hill by hill


He told me not to judge you, or so I would be judged

So instead I truly loved you

As up your hills we trudged


I tried not to give opinions that would lead you to dismay

But asked Him to answer through me

And help me lead the way


As you thank me for all the things that I have done for you

I would like to ask only one thing

Please thank Jesus too.



Take The Chance

Take the chance to feed one hungry person

Take the chance to hear one lonely cry

Take the chance to clothe one cold

Take the chance to tell one of Jesus – before they die


Take the chance to pray for one you do not know

Take the chance to smile at one who’s down

Take the chance to bring one into your home

Take the chance to be there for one – when there’s no one else around


Take the chance to stand up for one accused

Take the chance to give money to one in need

Take the chance to nurse one who is sick

Take the chance to be a friend for one – and help Jesus set them free


If we take the chance, just once – regardless of how uncomfortable it makes us, or how inconvenient it may be;  to help one of God’s children or his creatures, no matter how great or how small the deed;  the world would become a much brighter place.  For as you help one;  that one will help one;  who will help one, and as each life touches the other – love would beget love, hatred would be a thing of the past –  and heaven would be oh so full!!!

